Milford Intersection proposals

Auckland Transport has proposed substantial changes to the Shakespeare/East Coast/Omana/Kitchener/Fenwick intersection.

Will they work? Do you agree with their analysis and proposals? Please let Auckland Transport know!

Feedback due Monday 16 March (or as soon as possible afterwards)

This proposal was floated in the draft Centre Plan, and Auckland Transport have been very quick to investigate the public response. We have attached explanatory documents and two plans showing AT's proposals. You can send your views (as brief or as lengthy as you like) by email to

We have circulated members and have attached further information to help you make a submission if you wish.

Image of the existing intersection Kitchener East Coast Shakespeare etc intersection today.JPG

Two plans of Auckland Transport's proposals: D1A150202 - Consultation Plan.pdf 

D1A150202 - Tracking.pdf

Attached also is our committee member, Peter Carter's view of how AT's proposals might be improved: ShakespeareRd Intersection 11mar15 001.jpg


Following is the information provided to MRA by Auckland Transport about the reasons for the proposals:

Minor Safety Improvement Works – Kitchener Road Intersection Improvements

Auckland Transport is committed to improving road safety and reducing the number of people killed or injured on the road network. The intersection of Kitchener Road/ Shakespeare Road and Fenwick Avenue has been identified as part of the Lake Pupuke Cycle route where high numbers of cyclists have been identified. There are a high proportion of serious cycle and pedestrian related crashes occurring in the area over the past five years. The proposed changes are the result of investigations conducted by Auckland Transport with the objective to reduce the likelihood of crashes along the route.

The proposed scope of works along this section of road consists of:

  • Extend the kerb to remove slip lane turning into Shakespeare Road, from Kitchener Road.
  • Provide a leading cycle lane on the easten approach of Kitchener Road and a departure lane on East Coast Road and install advance cycle boxes
  • Extend the kerb to remove slip lane turning into Kitchener Road, from Omana Road and install advance cycle boxes
  • Extend the kerb to remove slip lane turning into Omana Road, from East Coast Road and install advance cycle boxes
  • New signs to allow buses to use left turning lane from East Coast Road to proceed straight on to Kitchener Road
  • Install a splitter island on Fenwick Avenue to allow left turn out only on Kitchener Road

Details of the proposed work are shown on the enclosed layout plan and forms part of Auckland Transport’s corridor maintenance plan and forward planning of the transport network.

Auckland Transport has engaged the services of Urban Solutions Limited to assist them with the consultation process.  All affected residents and businesses are being notified of this proposal.

Should you wish to submit any comments on this proposal please  respond by email.  Please send to Lorelle Baker:

Once received, Auckland Transport will consider all feedback and information received prior to making a final decision. The feedback will be considered with the broader community benefits that this proposal will bring.

Thank you for your consideration of the above, and we look forward to making a positive contribution to promoting safety and sustainable transport systems in Auckland.


Information requested by MRA on the accident history of the intersection

The intersection upgrade of Kitchener Road / Omana Road / Shakespeare Road / East Coast Road was investigated as part of Lake Pupuke cycle route study.

The main reason for investigation was the number of crashes at this intersection, summarised as follows.

1)      There are in total 27 crashes reported at this intersection between 2009-2014.

2)      There are three pedestrian crashes two on the zebra crossings (on the slip lanes) and one on Fenwick Avenue, resulting in one serious and 2 minor injuries.

3)      There have been five cycle related crashes at this intersection resulting in 3 serious and 2 minor injuries.

4)      There has been one alcohol related fatal crash within 30 metres of the intersection.

Taking into consideration the cyclist crashes and the pedestrian crashes, it is proposed to remove the three slip lanes at this intersection. The fourth slip lane from Shakespeare Road into East Coast Road has been retained to maintain efficiency of the network.

The SIDRA analysis has indicated that the removal of the three existing slip lanes will have no direct impact on the  capacity of the intersection. Furthermore, the proposed changes will ensure that queue lengths and delays at this intersection will be reduced. Overall the proposal will significantly improve safety for pedestrians and cyclist without compromising the efficiency. Furthermore, this proposal also ties in with the Draft Milford centre plan, where similar intersection upgrade is proposed.

Auckland Transport is aware of the demand for vehicles turning into Fenwick Avenue. The proposal allows vehicles to turn right into Fenwick Avenue from Kitchener Road.  The detail of the pedestrian splitter island will be refined in the detail design stage to ensure that vehicles will be able to manoeuvre in and out of Kitchener Road. To allow this movement, it is necessary to remove parking along the north side of Kitchener Road up to the bus stop as shown in the plans.

Currently, there is a very low demand to turn right out of Fenwick Avenue, and as such not may vehicles turn right out of Fenwick Avenue. The proposal will make it hard to turn right out of Fenwick Avenue into Kitchener Road.

Overall, the proposed improvements will improve pedestrian and cyclist safety in and out of town centre with minimal disruption to efficiency of the network.